Fifteen pictures of random streets

 Here are some assorted pictures of streets here and there in or near Loughborough.

Rupert Brooke Road, in Thorpe Acre, was built in the early 1950s as part of the Knightthorpe Estate, and the road is named after the poet Rupert Brooke (1887-1915). To the left is the end of Knightthorpe Road and to the right is Thorpe Hill. (10/20)

Burton Street. The painted Georgian house in the centre looks way nicer than its dull-looking neighbour. (11/20)

Castledine Street. This roughly 250-metre long private road (that's better than a few other private roads I've seen in town) has some interesting looking houses, as well as a strange octagonal garage and a plaque marking the location of the residence of the suffragettes Kathleen and Nora Corcoran. (11/20)

Garton Road. In the distance is Our Lady's Convent, belonging to the Rosminian order (The Sisters of Providence). The building itself looks surprisingly modern (as I'm sure it is) for a nunnery. (11/20)

Ledbury Road, with a nice view of the rolling Charnwood countryside. (6/21)

    Belvoir Drive, looking east. (Some say that the name Belvoir isn't pronounced bell-vwar but rather bee-vur. I'm not convinced; personally, I think someone didn't know his French!) (6/21)

Belvoir Drive, looking downhill towards Valley Road from the top of Croome Close. (6/21)

Blackbrook Road. Two quick observations:
1) Those houses look rather the same as each other; see what I mean?
2) Blackbrook Road isn't actually particularly close to the Blackbrook; at its closest proximity, the road and its namesake are about half a mile apart from each other. Not very close. (2/21)

The Widon. I do so wonder what the name of this road actually means! (2/21)

Brook Lane. The Brook Lane housing estate near Nanpantan, built in the 1990s, has the atmosphere of a small, quaint village; note the liberal use of hedges and other greenery and the green corridor along the Wood Brook as well as the pair of informal-looking stone bridges on The Widon and Brook Lane (also see above). (2/21)

And finally, Frederick Street. In the distance is the United Reformed Church and The Old Arts College Co Work office complex. (2/21)
