Ten photos of my town

 Ten more photos of my lovely town. As well as an announcement...

Goods Yard Close, seen from Charnwood Forester End in February 2022. Note the unusual road name signs on either side of the road, which are styled after the signs of a 1960s British railway station - definitely better than the standard signs!

Station Avenue, named for the Loughborough Derby Road railway station, seems to have been given a facelift, as it has been tarred, with a dividing fence installed  to separate pedestrians from vehicles. The only thing that's wrong with this is that there's no pedestrian access into the yard at the end of the road. It is seen here from the Station Street end in February 2022.

The western section of Byron Street in February 2022. I honestly think that this is the worst-paved section of road in Loughborough - look at all the potholes! Sorry, Byron Street.

King Street in February 2022, looking north towards Wharncliffe Road.
(By the way, contrary to what certain maps say, there is no New King Street, just King Street. I thought it was a mistake, but a while ago, I found that some maps deliberately include mistakes in order to catch cartographers who are copying someone else's homework. Could this be a case?
What I do know for sure is that Google Maps showed part of King Street as New King Street until I reported this error, which, to their credit, they subsequently rectified. However, this mistake still appears on Ordnance Survey maps, of all maps!)

Shelthorpe Road in February 2022, at the crossroads of Woodthorpe Road and Castledine Street Extension, looking west. The Shelthorpe estate was in its day considered to be a model housing estate.

The upper section of Park Road in February 2022.

Tyler Avenue, seen from Alan Moss Road on an incredibly foggy day in January 2022.

The Rushes in August 2020.

Swan Street, March 2022. Kinchbus' oldest bus, the now 20-year-old Optare Solo 458 (FE02 KFF), stops at the Swan Street stand.

'Photos From a Double Decker Bus is back!' Watch this space! Baxter Gate, March 2022.
