The Return of the Mandarin Duck - 04/05/2020

 A male mandarin duck appeared in Queen's Park in around late 2019, and was seen up until after Queen's Park was flooded in February 2020, when, legend has it,  it moved to Charnwood Water after a new pond created by the floodwaters dried up. But yesterday, when I went to Queen's Park to feed the ducks, I discovered, much to my delight, that the mandarin duck had returned!

The Mandarin duck is a species of duck originating from the Far East. Some of them have escaped captivity and there are now estimated to be around 7,000 Mandarin ducks in the wild in the UK.

Mandarin duck feeding

Mandarin duck with Mallard girlfriend!

Smart-looking Mandarin duck standing on the side of the pond

Mandarin duck resting
