Grange Park - June 2021

These photographs are of the Grange Park Estate in June 2021.

 You may remember that I made another visit previously in January 2018, when I looked around the estate and even got to look around the show home! (Many thanks to the folks at William Davis Homes!) The large housing estate was completed last year.

Allendale Road, looking towards Caincross Close (left) and Wylie Close (right). In the foreground is one of the two new parks/playgrounds on the Grange Park Estate. (Caincross Close seems to stop immediately before the pale mid-terrace house.)
Panning further right, we see the Allendale Road park, with Glen Road in the background.

Near the middle of the picture, Glen Road stops and meets Highland Drive. Highland Drive is the longest street in the Grange Park Estate, at 0.6 miles long.

Allendale Road (front to back) crosses Highland Drive (left to right).

Panning further right, looking down a footpath towards Highland Drive from Allendale Road.

At the far end of Allendale Road. Google Street View has never seen this place! (Apologies if my images look a bit scruffy; I was trying to take them in a hurry!)

Looking up Knox Road.

The other park on the estate, off Knox Road. In the background is the Arc Community Centre.

Highland Drive, across the Knox Road park.

Highland Drive, from Knox Road.

Highland Drive, looking east.

Knox Road.

The Knox Road park.

Highland Drive, looking west.

Highland Drive, looking east.

Knox Road.

Highland Drive, looking east.

The Knox Road park.

Further up Highland Drive, looking east.

The entrance to Aitken Way.

Highland Drive, looking east. The road on the right is Alan Turing Road.

Highland Drive, looking east. At this point Highland Drive ends, meeting with the end of Haddon Way.

Looking towards Mucklin Wood.

The last few houses on Highland Drive.
