Streets of Loughborough - June 2023 - plus update


Devonshire Square.

Belton Road.

Stirling Avenue.

Thorpe Acre Road, looking towards Chatsworth Road, one of the shortest streets in town.

Epinal Way.

Ashby Road.

The humpbacked bridge over the Grand Union Canal.

Baxter Gate, looking towards the Coneries.

The crossroads at Derby Road, Alan Moss Road and Belton Road.

Tyler Avenue, featuring a tree with leaves growing not only in the crown but all over it!

On the lower half of Alan Moss Road.

High Street.

And now for the update. This will be the last regular post on this blog, as I have felt my enthusiasm for this blog decline somewhat in favour of more general content and have slowly been attracted to other platforms.
Hence, I will leave the links of my other platforms below:

Thank you!
