Trouble spelling Gracedieu

 In many towns and cities, there are some roads that have the same name as each other. Loughborough's no exception, having over 140 roads that share a name with at least one other thoroughfare. But while most of them are spelled more or less the same way, there is one group of roads with the same name where the folks who put up the signs don't know quite how it's spelled. Enter the Gracedieus!

There are three roads in Loughborough that share the name of Gracedieu - a Road, a Way and a Court. They are all named after Grace Dieu Priory, a nunnery whose ruins lie just off Ashby Road, west of Shepshed, about five miles from the roads that were named after it. However, the way they are spelled is more or less at variance with each other.

Gracedieu Way is spelled - exactly like that.

The signs at the southwestern end of Gracedieu Road are also spelled the same way...

…but at the northeastern end of Grace-Dieu Road, it's another matter entirely.

And let's not forget Grace Dieu Court!

As we have seen, the way the names are spelt are quite different - no space, a space and a dash. The case of Gracedieu/Grace-Dieu Road is particularly strange - if you were to visit someone you sent mail to who lived on this street, and you noticed the variances, you'd probably never again be sure which way the name's spelt.

But these are merely formatting differences - the letters are all present and correct in order. Surely we don't have a road name in Loughborough that's misspelt completely... we?

(I'm looking at you, now, Caincross Close!)
